The ENGLISH ELECTRIC Co. Ltd. Draft Catalogue of Surviving DEUCE Documents Last updated: 10 July 2024: David Green
To put a smidgin of order into this list, the items are grouped in the
following categories.
Editions of the "DEUCE Programme News"
Editions of the "DEUCE Bulletin"
Programming the DEUCE Computer
In machine language
Programs and Routines
Compilers and Interpreters
Numerical Analysis
Peripheral Equipment
Reports of Meetings
References to DEUCE
Location of Listed Documents
Note 1: Passages in italics are my comments, unless noted otherwise.
Note 2: Digital copies of many of the documents are available on the Web. Some of the scans on this website were kindly contributed by Robin Vowels and TNMoC.
This publication ran for 77 issues (or more?). Publication commenced in July 1955. Issues #1 through #35 were called "DEUCE Programme News", subsequent issues were simply called "DEUCE News". The initial aim was to provide a monthly summary of news of interest to DEUCE programmers, on subjects like: programmes issued/completed; subroutines issued/completed; amendments/corrections to programmes and subroutines, "programming devices" (neat ways of programming); the programming implications of upgrades to the DEUCE computer or its peripherals. Occasional issues were devoted to single topics of importance.
The list of 77 issues is rather long and is presented separately here.
Rugby/Whetstone DEUCE Bulletin, Issue No.1, 1 May 1959
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D2)
On the Web: as 11 *.gif files.
Rugby/Whetstone DEUCE Bulletin, Issue No.2, 1 June 1959
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D3)
On Web: in Web page.
Rugby/Whetstone DEUCE Bulletin, Issue No.3, 1 July 1959.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D4)
DEUCE Bulletin, Issue No.4, 1 August 1959.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D5)
Includes some statistics on the reliability of DEUCE, on the Web in this page.
DEUCE Bulletin, Issue No.5, 1 September 1959.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D6)
DEUCE Bulletin, Issue No.6, 1 October 1959.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D7)
On Web: as nine *.gif files.
DEUCE Bulletin, Issue No.7, 1 November 1960.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D8)
DEUCE Bulletin, Issue No.8, 19 January 1960.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D9)
Includes an index of the contents of DEUCE News #1 (July 1955) through to
DEUCE News #42 (November 1959}
DEUCE Bulletin, Issue No.9, 22 February 1960
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D10)
On Web: as 13 *.gif files.
DEUCE Bulletin, Issue No.10 June 13 1960.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D11)
Includes: A Proposal for a Modification to DEUCE by G. J. Tee in pages 8-12.
(a proposal to use a knitting machine for output) on the Web in this Web page.
16 February 1955, "The English Electric DEUCE", The English Electric Company Limited,
Nelson Research Laboratories.
On Web: as pdf file.
21 March 1955, "New Computing Service in London", The English Electric Company Limited,
Nelson Research Laboratories.
On Web: as jpg.
21 March 1955, "English Electric Company Policy on Electronic Computing Machines",
The English Electric Company Limited, Nelson Research Laboratories.
On Web: as pdf file.
Brochure: "General Description of "DEUCE" Digital Electronic Universal Computing Engine".
18 pages. August 1958.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by Robin Vowels.
Brochure (ES/122): "English Electric Digital Computer, Type DEUCE". 13 pages. Not dated.
On Web: as pdf file.
Brochure (ES/151): "DEUCE, General Purpose Digital Computer". 31 pages. Not dated.
. Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Brochure (ES/147): "Specification of DEUCE Mark I". 12 pages. Not dated.
. Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Brochure (ES/148): "Specification of DEUCE Mark II". 12 pages. Not dated.
. Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Brochure (ES/149): "Specification of DEUCE Mark IIA". 12 pages. Not dated.
. Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Brochure (ES/144): "Notes on Programmimg DEUCE". 10 pages. Not dated.
. Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Brochure (ES/145): "Automatic Instruction Modification on DEUCE". 12 pages. Not dated.
. Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Brochure (ES/146): "Magnetic Tape Storage System for DEUCE". 12 pages. Not dated.
. Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
English Electric seems to have done very little advertising for DEUCE, but a couple of advertisements appeared in "Aeroplane" and an article appeared in "Flight"..
Advertisement in "Aeroplane" 30 September 1955.
On Web: as jpg.
Advertisement in "Aeroplane" 16 December 1955.
On Web:
as jpg.
Article in "Flight" 1 May 1955.
On Web: as pdf file.
Academic papers provided another way of drawing attention to DEUCE.
A. C. D. Haley, (1956). "DEUCE: a High-speed General-purpose Computer,"
in Proc. I.E.E., Vol. 103, Part B, Supplement No. 2, p. 165.
A. Gilmour "The Solution of Railway Problems on a Digital Computer: 1"
in The Computer Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1, 1 January 1958, Pages 25-28.
Abstract: an account of railway problems solved on the English
Electric DEUCE during the last three years and a review of current developments.
The paper is in two Parts. Part 1 covers problems in the design of traction
motors and rectifiers, the calculations of locomotive performance to meet certain
given conditions and the study of loads on a power supply system produced by an
a.c. traction network.
On Web: as a free pdf download.
S. H. Hollingdale, M. M. Barritt "An Application of a Computer to Wind Tunnel Design: 1"
in The Computer Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1, 1 January 1958, Pages 42-47
Abstract: description of an application of a computer to the aerodynamic
design and automatic control of a large wind tunnel. The work was started in 1953 on
the ACE Pilot model at the N.P.L., Teddington, and completed on one of the DEUCE
computers at the R.A.E., Farnborough.
On Web: as a free pdf download.
S. H. Hollingdale, M. M. Barritt " An Application of a Computer to Wind Tunnel Design: 2"
in The Computer Journal, Volume 1, Issue 2, 1 January 1958, Pages 64-68
On Web: as a free pdf download.
A. Gilmour "The Solution of Railway Problems on a Digital Computer: 2"
in The Computer Journal, Volume 1, Issue 2, 1 January 1958, Pages 78-83
Abstract: problems dealt with are the calculation of point-to-point running times,
the use of linear programming methods for minimizing empty wagon movement, and a
major current development - the preparation of timetables on digital computers.
On Web: as a free pdf download.
C. Robinson "DEUCE Interpretive Programs"
in The Computer Journal, Volume 1, Issue 4, 1 January 1959, Pages 172-176
Abstract: This paper describes the principal features of (i) The General
Interpretive Program, (ii) The Tabular Interpretive Program, and (iii) Alphacode,
which are the interpretive programs which have been most extensively used in
solving problems on DEUCE. The characteristics of these three schemes are compared
and contrasted.
On Web: as a free pdf download.
R. C. Brigham, C. G. Bell "A Translation Routine for the DEUCE Computer"
in The Computer Journal, Volume 2, Issue 2, 1 January 1959, Pages 76-84
Abstract: Most computers in operation today have supplementary programs
which do automatic coding or program assembling. These programs either translate,
automatically code, or interpret pseudo instructions which in themselves may cause
the enaction of hundreds of actual machine instructions. The outstanding feature
of such routines is that programming time and effort is cut to a minimum.
This paper deals generally with translation and interpretive schemes, and
specifically with a suitable translation routing for use with the DEUCE computer.
The translation program is called SODA, or Symbolic Optimum Deuce Assembly Program.
Two examples of SODA use are included in the appendix.
On Web: as a free pdf download. In
as a web page
P. Redfern "Experience in using a Deuce Computer for the Family Expenditure Survey"
in The Computer Journal, Volume 2, Issue 4, 1 January 1960, Pages 164-169
On Web: as a free pdf download.
F. G. Duncan, D. H. R. Huxtable "The DEUCE Alphacode Translator"
in The Computer Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, 1 January 1960, Pages 98-107
Abstract: A description is given of a recently completed program for
translating from a single-level pseudo-code (Alphacode) to a multi-level machine
code (orthodox DEUCE code). The chief point of interest is the allocation of the
single-level addresses among the three levels of the real computer to obtain an
efficient final program.
On Web: as a free pdf download.
Anon "Some Uses of DEUCE in Mechanical Engineering"
in Symposium on Mechanical and Production Engineering, 21-22 March 1960.
Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
A Gilmour, S D Van Dorp "The DEUCE Computer as an Aid to Railway Traction
Design and Operation"
in The English Electric Journal, Vol 16, No 6, June 1960.
Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
DEUCE Instruction and Data Cards
"Schematic Diagram of DEUCE", Nelson Research Laboratories, 22 July 1955.
On Web: as jpg.
DEUCE Programmer's Course - Lecture Notes.
There are several copies of these notes, all slightly different. Nominally
there were 30 lectures. In fact, no copy contains lectures #28 or #30. There
were also some additional "C" lectures: 9C, 21C, 22C, 23C, 25C, 26C (making 34
lectures in all). These are not all present in all copies.
(a) "English Electric DEUCE Lecture Notes 1 - 30".
. Original document: London1: Boxfile 38/125
(b) "English Electric DEUCE Lecture Notes 1 - 30"
. Original document: Leigh.
(c) DEUCE Programmers Course.
. Original document: Green.
(d) DEUCE Programmers Course, (missing section C26), (Report DPCS2)
. Original document: London1: Boxfile 38/27(16).
This is incorrectly listed by the Museum as "Programming Manual".
(e) DEUCE Programmers Course.
. Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
"Syllabus for February DEUCE Programmers Course" pp3.
Report NSu257, 12 February 1958, by A. Gilmour
Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
"Subjects and Lectures for DEUCE Programmers Course 23-27 June and 7-19 July 1958" pp8.
Report NSu269, 17 June 1958, by J. Boothroyd.
Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
"DEUCE Programmers' Course No.8",
Report NSu286, Ozanne D.J., 20 January 1959.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D36)
Timetable and list of topics/lecturers - not the course content.
"Programme Assembly", P.J.Landin, pp3.
DEUCE Programming Course, 17th Sept - 3rd Oct 1957.
On Web: as pdf file.
English Electric DEUCE Programming Manual
Original documents:
. Auckland: Date uncertain.
. Sydney: Call# DG38620. (NS-y-16/5-56)
. UTECOM: (May 1956 NS-y-16) 70pp
. London1: Boxfile 38/120, 1956
. Leigh (NS-y-16/5-56)
. Green (NS-y-16/5-56)
. TNMoC (NS-y-16/5-56).
On Web: as Web page,
as pdf file.
English Electric DEUCE Logical Design Manual Part 1 - General Description,
Original documents:
. London1: Boxfile 38/118, (NS-y-37/11-57)
. London1: Boxfile 38/122, (NS y 37, First Issue, 19.7.56)
. Barrett: (NS y 37/11-57)
. Leigh (NS-y-37/11-57)
. Green (NS-y-37/11-57)
. TNMoC (NS y 37, First Issue, 19.7.56).
On Web: NS-y-37/11-57 as Web page.
English Electric DEUCE Logical Design Manual Part 2 - Drawings,
Original documents:
. London1: Boxfile 38/119, (NS-y-37/11-57)
. London1: Boxfile 38/123, (NS y 37, First Issue, 19.7.56)
. Barrett: (NS y 37/11-57)
. Leigh (NS-y-37/11-57)
. TNMoC (NS y 37, First Issue, 19.7.56).
On Web: NS-y-37/11-57 as Web page.
English Electric Computer Programming - Lecture Notes c1962
Original document: London1: Boxfile 38/124
It is not certain these are DEUCE programming notes. They are not
specific to DEUCE and may have been prepared for its successors. KDF9, KDF6 and
KDP10 are mentioned in Section 5. Contents:
1. Introduction to Data Processing. (1.1 - 1.3)
2. Flow Charting Techniques. (2.1 - 2.6)
3. File Maintenance Procedures. (3.1 - 3.13)
4. File Maintenance Examples. (4.1 - 4.22)
5. Information Representation. (5.1 - 5.20)
6. Organisation of Data. (6.1 - 6.5)
7. Digital Computer Structure and Organisation. (7.1 - 7.7)
8. Writing Computer Programmes. (8.1 - 8.20)
9. Sorting. (9.1 - 9.17)..
"Basic DEUCE Programming (2nd Issue)",
Report NS y 88, V.E.Price and G.M.Davis, 20 January 1958.
Original documents:
. Manchester (EEC/D23)
. TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Quote: the report contains the basic methods for programming DEUCE
together with a series of graded examples, suitable to be given to persons
before they attend a course on programming DEUCE.
"A Programming Handbook for the Computer Deuce", 207 pages.
Burnett-Hall D.G. and P.A.Samet, Tech.Note MS.38, April 1959, RAE Farnborough.
Original documents:
. Manchester: (RAE/D9),
On Web: as .html (first 60 pages only)
and as a .pdf file.
"Guide to Programming for DEUCE", pp9.
Computing Note M.S./B/200 by Miss E.R. de Bourcier and D.G. Burnett-Hall.
. Original documents:
. London2: Folder N15/68
. TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Quote: "These computing notes are intended for those learning to programme
DEUCE, and should be used in conjunction with the second issue of the English
Electric Company's "Programming Manual for DEUCE." The guide contains examples
to work through after reading recommended sections of the manual.
"The DEUCE Console", pp 12.
Computing Note M.S./B/201 by D.G. Burnett-Hall.
. Original documents:
. TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Quote: "This is a description of the DEUCE console, its reader and punch
with emphasis on those parts with which operators engaged on programme testing
or production work should be familiar."
"Hints on Programme Testing on DEUCE", pp4.
Computing Note M.S./B/202 by Miss E.R. de Bourcier and D.G. Burnett-Hall.
Original documents:
. London2: Folder N15/68
. TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Quote: "This note does not claim to be an exhaustive account of methods
for testing programmes on DEUCE. The general emphasis is to encourage the
programme-tester to save time on the machine by getting it to punch out
information he can take away and study."
"Programmes to Use with the Magnetics", pp (2 ?).
Computing Note M.S./B/203 by Miss E.R. de Bourcier and D.G. Burnett-Hall.
On Web: first page as pdf file.
EE DEUCE reference card
Original document: London1: Boxfile 38/27(14)
"The Assembly of Large Programmes for the Automatic Computer Deuce".
Watt J.M., Technical Note No. MS.31, July 1956.
Original documents:
. Manchester: (RAE/D8)
. TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
"Instructions for Using Automatic Instruction Modifier and 64 Column Read and Punch"
Report NS u 246, Gilmour A., 18 September 1957.
Original documents:
. Manchester (EEC/D17)
. TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
"Standard Operating Instructions for DEUCE",
Report NS y 78, Birchmore Miss A., 21 November 1957.
Original documents:
. Manchester (EEC/D19)
. TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file (2.1Mb), in Web page.
"Håndbok for DEUCE-opertatØrer" (DEUCE Operator's Manual),
Report Nr. 17, Statistisk Sentralbyrå, Oslo, 3 February 1960. In Norwegian.
Original document: Green
"DEUCE Control Panel Manual",
Report NS y 79, Birchmore Miss A., 21 November 1957.
Original documents:
. Manchester (EEC/D21)
. TNMoC.
On Web: in Web page.
"DEUCE Control Panel Manual, Amendments",
Report NS y 79, Birchmore Miss A., 12 February 1958.
Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
"The DEUCE Console",
Computing Note MS/B/201, D. G. Burnett-Hall, no date.
Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
"Preparing and Testing Deuce Programmes",
Report NS y 80, Landin P.J., 25 November 1957. 35 pages.
Original documents:
. Manchester (EEC/D20)
. TNMoC (2 copies).
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
(An extract (sections 2.1 and 2.2) is in Web page).
"Principles of Programming",
Report NS y 81, Birchmore Miss A., 25 November 1957.
Original documents:
. Manchester (EEC/D22)
. TNMoC.
On Web: in Web page.
"Useful Constants",
Report NS u 258, Robinson C., 14 February 1958.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D26)
"DEUCE Schematic Diagram",
Report NS u 259, Robinson C., 14 February 1958.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D25)
This is very reduced in size.
"Notes on the Preparation of Data Cards for DEUCE Correlation Programmes", pp3.
Computing Note M.S./B/204 by P.A. Samet. 15 April 1956.
Original document TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
"The Preparation of Data for the Solution of Simultaneous Equations and Matrix
Inversion by DEUCE", pp5.
Computing Note M.S./B/205 by P.C. Birchall. 19 June 1956.
Original document TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Introduction to High Speed Digital Computing, 17 pages.
Roneod programming manual produced by the UTECOM Laboratory, NSW
University of Technology (probably c. 1958)
Original document: UTECOM
University of NSW High Speed Digital Programming Course, 17 pages.
Roneod programming manual produced by the UTECOM Laboratory, (probably c. 1958)
Original document: UTECOM
University of NSW Programming Course (57pp)
Roneod programming manual produced by the UTECOM Laboratory, (probably c. 1958)
Original document: UTECOM
Miscellaneous DEUCE programming notes.
. Programming and planning for the X-Y plotter.
E. W. Worth, 21 October 1958, 2 pages.
. Separate hand-written operating notes for each of: ZP29; ZP48M; R24T;
P19T/1; E06; M12; S06; T01/2.
. memos on Program Testing Scheme
. memo on programme ZP46T/1
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D41)
Miscellaneous DEUCE programming notes.
. Note on DEUCE standard bricks, B. W. Munday, 3/6/55, pp2, stencil.
. Note on GIP 2, B. W. Munday, 8/12/55, pp2, stencil.
. "Re Magnetic Drum Head Shifting", DOC/OAG 21/4/56, pp1.
. Modification of instructions, 24/9/56, pp1 + 1 diagram.
. Automatic instruction modification on DEUCE (Scheme NRL 4),
S. J. M. Denison, 22/1/57, pp9.
. some handwritten notes and schematics including DEUCE Multiplier/Divider
logical diagram TRON.A 1152-1
Original document: London2: Folder N24.
Lists of the programs and subroutines in the DEUCE Library were published at
regular intervals in the DEUCE News (issues #18, #35, #42, #48, #55, #67 and
#76). Of these, Issue #18 is on the Web
as a pdf file (4.4Mb).
Six red binders containing flow charts, code and operating instructions for
many subroutines. The complete contents of these binders was not recorded but
the following subroutines have been copied to the Web (as .pdf's).
A01F/1 Floating Add, Subtract, Multiply and Prepare (Subroutine No. 89, Report NS t 80).
A02F/1 Floating Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide and Prepare (Subroutine No. 142, Report NS t 138).
A03F/1 Floating Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Square Root and Prepare (Subroutine No. 143, Report NS t 139).
A04FC/1 Floating Complex Add, Subtract, Multiply (Subroutine No. 144, Report NS t 140).
A05FC/1 Floating Complex Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide and Modulus (Subroutine No. 145, Report NS t 141).
A06FC/1 Floating Complex Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Modulus and Square Root
(Subroutine No. 146, Report NS t 142).
A08C Complex Multiply, Divide, Modulus and Square Root (Subroutine No. 123, Report NS t 113).
A12, A12/1 Fixed point arithmetic (30 b.p.) (Subroutine Nos. 221,222, Report NS t 201).
A13F, A14F, A15F, A16F Floating Arithmetic (Subroutine Nos. 236-239, Report NS t 212).
B01 Fetch and Store (Subroutine No. 19, Report NS t 14).
B02/1 Magnetic Fetch and Store (Subroutine No. 161, Report NS t 126).
B06 Concurrent Continuous Drum Fetch and Store (Subroutine No. 200, Report NS t 183).
B08 Fetch Consecutive Tracks to Consecutive DL's (Subroutine No. 204, Report NS t 187).
B08/1 Like B08 but faster and with fewer testing facilities (Subroutine No. 224, Report NS t 203).
B09 Drum Fetch and Store (Subroutine No. 210, Report NS t 193).
D03 Single-length by single-length division, with true remainder (Subroutine No. 53, Report NS t 45).
D05 and D05/1 Single-length by single-length division, with validity test, shift and round-off
(Subroutines No. 55 and 56, Report NS t 47).
D12D Double-length signed division (Subroutine No. 66, Report NS t 59).
D13 Division (triple by double giving single) (Subroutine No. 68, Report NS t 61).
D15D Adjustable double-length division (Subroutine No. 95, Report NS t 86).
D17 Division with shift and round-off (Subroutine No. 118, Report NS t 108).
D19/2 Positive integer division (Subroutine No. 276, Report NS t 246).
D20M Division-shift-round off - divisor unlimited (Subroutine No. 255, Report NS t 226).
E01 Logarithm (Base e) (Subroutine No. 61, Report NS t 54).
E03 Exponential functions (Subroutine No. 79, Report NS t 72).
E05F/1 Compute ex in Standard Floating Binary (Subroutine No. 235, Report NS t 202).
E06 Compute a logarithm to 30 b.p. using an economised series (Subroutine No. 99, Report NS t 90).
E10F/1 Compute logex in Standard Floating Binary (Subroutine No. 209, Report NS t 192).
E11 Calculate (1/16)logex to 30 b.p. (Subroutine No. 248, Report NS t 219).
E12 ex fixed point (Subroutine No. 253, Report NS t 218).
F01 Square Root, single-length number (Subroutine No. 20, Report NS t 15).
F02 Square Root of a Double Length Number (Subroutine No. 43, Report NS t 34).
F03D Square Root of a double-length number (Subroutine No. 67, Report NS t 60).
F04,F04/1 Square Root, single-length (Subroutine Nos. 135/6, Report NS t 125).
M01,M02,M03,M04 Signed Multiplication (Subroutine Nos. 2,3,4,5, Report NS t 2).
M01/1 Signed multiplication of two single-length numbers (Subroutine No. 26, Report NS t 21).
M04/1 Signed Multiplication (Subroutine No. 64, Report NS t 57).
M10D Multiply two signed double-length numbers (Subroutine No. 36, Report NS t 33).
M12 Fast multiplication with fixed shift of two places (Subroutine No. 14, Report NS t 9).
M12/1 Fast multiplication with fixed shift of two places (Subroutine No. 197, Report NS t 180).
M13H Multiplication (Double by double giving quadruple) (Subroutine No. 70, Report NS t 63).
P01 Punch one decimal number (Subroutine No. 12, Report NS t 7).
P01/1 Punch one 10-digit integer (Subroutine No. 133, Report NS t 123).
P02/1 Punch two signed numbers in decimal on a card (Subroutine No. 91, Report NS t 82).
P03 Punch three signed numbers in decimal on a card (Subroutine No. 22, Report NS t 17).
P04 Punch four decimal numbers (Subroutine No. 23, Report NS t 18).
P06D Punch double length number (Subroutine No. 21, Report NS t 16).
P10F/2 Punch standard floating decimal given in standard floating binary. (Subroutine No. 220, Report NS t 200).
P13F Punch floating number in a floating field (Subroutine No. 111, Report NS t 102).
P13F/1 Punch floating number in a floating field (Subroutine No. 112, Report NS t 102).
P13F/2 Punch floating vector in a floating field (continuously) (Subroutine No. 117, Report NS t 107).
P13F/3 Punch floating number in floating field (Subroutine No. 202, Report NS t 185).
P14 General Punch (first order) (Subroutine No. 130, Report NS t 120).
P15D Punch one double-length integer (Subroutine No. 132, Report NS t 122).
P19T/2 Scale and Punch n 8-digit signed numbers (Subroutine No. 356, Report NS t 317).
P22T Punch 16 4-digit positive numbers (Subroutine No. 281, Report NS t 251).
P24T Punch 64 binary-coded decimal digits as decimal digits on a single card (courtesy Robin Vowels).
R01 Read one decimal integer (Subroutine No. 27, Report NS t 22).
R01/1 Read one signed decimal integer (of up to 10 decimal digits) (Subroutine No. 84, Report NS t 76).
R01/3 Read one decimal fraction (Subroutine No. 228, Report NS t 207).
R02 Read two 9-digit decimal integers (Subroutine No. 93, Report NS t 84).
R02/1 Read and Scale two 9-digit signed decimal integers (Subroutine No. 171, Report NS t 157).
R03 Read three signed 9-digit decimal integers (Subroutine No. 48, Report NS t 40).
R03/1 Read and Scale three 9-digit decimal numbers (Subroutine No. 108, Report NS t 99).
R04/1 Read and Scale four 5-digit signed numbers (Subroutine No. 172, Report NS t 158).
R04/2 Read and Scale four 5-digit signed numbers (Subroutine No. 189, Report NS t 173).
R07/2 Read 8 signed 4-digit decimal interers (Subroutine No. 211, Report NS t 194).
R11D Read one 18-digit number (Subroutine No. 69, Report NS t 62).
R13 General Decimal Read (Subroutine No. 149, Report NS t 133).
R19F/1 Read floating decimal numbers to D.L.'s (Subroutine No. 269, Report NS t 239).
R21T/1 Read 6 signed or unsigned 9-digit decimal integers (Subroutine No. 290, Report NS t 260).
R22F Read floating decimal (4 per card) to DL's (Subroutine No. 218, Report NS t 199).
R22F/1 Read floating decimal (4 per card) to drum (Subroutine No. 219, Report NS t 199).
R23T/2 Read 16 4-digit positive decimal integers (Subroutine No. 280, Report NS t 250).
S01/1 Sum series (Subroutine No. 65, Report NS t 58).
S03D Double length sum series (Subroutine No. 44, Report NS t 35).
S05 Fast sum series (Subroutine No. 25, Report NS t 20).
S06 Sum a series of up to 32 terms to p binary places (Subroutine No. 15, Report NS t 10).
T01/2 Evaluate sin(πx/2) or cos(πx/2) (Subroutine No. 195, Report NS t 178).
T05/3 Evaluate inverse tangent (Subroutine No. 242, Report NS t 216).
T07 cosh x (Subroutine No. 113, Report NS t 103).
T08 sinh x (Subroutine No. 114, Report NS t 104).
T11 sinh-1x and cosh-1x (Subroutine No. 128, Report NS t 118).
Z01 Display integer in Arabic numerals on monitor tube (Subroutine No. 46, Report NS t 37).
Z02 Rotate display by π/2 (Subroutine No. 87, Report NS t 78).
Z07 Random number generator (Subroutine No. 152, Report NS t 136).
Z07/1 Random number generator (Subroutine No. 283, Report NS t 253).
Original documents: Leigh.
B17 Clustered Drum References (Single Buffer) (Subroutine No. 360, Report K/AA t 322).
R25T General Decimal Integer Read - 64 columns (Subroutine No. 284, Report NS t 254).
pp 8, but page 7 missing.
R26T Prepare the Parameters for R25T (Subroutine No. 285, Report NS t 255).
Original documents: UTECOM.
pdfs of scans supplied by Robin Vowels.
N St 1001 The very first DEUCE program, "DEUCE Programme No. 1, (Z1)", the "ACE Pilot Model - DEUCE Interpreter", which enabled "the automatic literal translation of a pack of programme cards in ACE Pilot Model language to a DEUCE programme pack". With code and flow charts.
"Linear Equations", pp10.
Report NSt1005, not dated but early.
Original document TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
This report describes two programs to solve linear equations.
Pages 1-5 describe DEUCE programme No.12 (LE1) which will solve linear equations and invert a matrix
without the use of the magnetic drum. (The maximum number of equations is 14 with 2 right hand sides;
the largest matrix is 10x10). Pages 7-10 describe DEUCE program No. 26 (LEO2) which uses the drum and
can solve equations up to 30x30 with one right hand side. Both programs are literal translations of
earlier Pilot ACE programs. While the original document contained the code and flow charts, this copy
omits them.
Programs to aid assembly of large user programs (Series ZC)
A binder containing flow charts, code and operating instructions for several
ZC programs. The complete contents of this binder were not recorded but the
following programmes have been copied to the Web (as .pdf's).
ZC01T/6 General Interpretive Programme (G.I.P.8).
ZC13 Programme Store and Fetch.
ZC14 Brick Assembly.
ZC14T/1 64-column Brick Assembly.
Original documents: Leigh.
ZC23T. Alphacode Translator (Programme No. 597)
Report K/AA t 1390, undated.
Original document: Leigh.
A binder containing flow charts, code and operating instructions.
Demonstration Programs (Series ZV)
A binder containing flow charts, code and operating instructions for the ZV
programs ZV01-ZV06 and ZV08-ZV12.
The contents of this binder are listed here.
Original document: Leigh.
Programs to Assist Programmers (Series ZP)
A binder containing flow charts, code and operating instructions for various
ZP programs.
Many of these programs are described in DEUCE Programme News - No. 16.
November, 1957.
The complete contents of this binder were not recorded but
the following programmes have been copied to the Web (as .pdf's).
ZP04 Track Assembly.
ZP05/1 Synchronise Display (One Card).
ZP06/1 Check Detailed Coding.
ZP13/1 Clear Drum (One Card Programme).
ZP13 Clear Drum.
ZP14 Read to Drum.
ZP15 Write Clock Track.
ZP16 Synchronise and Enter Programme.
ZP15/1 Set up Clock Track.
ZP16/1 Synchronise with Clock Track.
ZP29 Posr Mortem.
ZP29T/3 Post Mortem (for Mk I, II or IIA Machines).
ZP34 Clock Track Set or Sync.
ZP36 Set Up Clock Track.
ZP37 Sync with Clock Track.
ZP39T Read and Enter Programme.
ZP41 Stop and Field Detector.
ZP42 Binary to Decimal Conversion.
ZP42/1 Binary to Decimal Conversion.
ZP46T/1 Convert 32 Column Programme to 64 Column.
ZP47 Clear High Speed Store.
ZP49T Read Programme and Enter.
ZP50 Magnetic Tape Initial Card.
Original document: Leigh.
Deck of Punched Cards, including:
. Alphacode compiler (ZC16T/2?)
Takes Alphacode cards and converts them to binary code.
. Alphacode interpreter (ZC17T/2?)
Interprets the output from the compiler and runs the alphacode program.
. Alphacode interpreter DSL GRAPH.
Extension to output sets of co-ordinates ready for plotting.
Alphacode compiler and interpreter.
Variation of above.
Variation of above.
Deck followed by Algol codes, punched out codes.
Runs codes output from above.
Original document: Leigh.
Programs and Subroutines, NPL/99 and NPL/116 to NPL/162
National Physical Laboratory.
Original document: London2: Folder M6/108
A folder containing brief descriptions (mainly one page, mainly
hand-written) of routines developed at N.P.L. A few also have operating
instructions, and the following, all hand-written, have flow charts and code.
. NPL99 Form roots from quadratic factor (real and complex), pp13.
. NPL153 Euler's Transformation (Wijngaarden's method), pp5.
. NPL154 Complex Elliptic Integrals, pp3.
. NPL155 Sum Chebyshev Series, pp7.
. NPL161 Read decimal digit from punched tape, pp3.
. NPL162 Read character from punched tape, pp3.
Folder also includes "BIMA to KDF9 Algol paper tape convertor".
"Issued DEUCE Subroutines, NPL/2 to NPL/108"
National Physical Laboratory.
Original document: London2: Folder M7/107
A substantial folder containing descriptions (all hand-written) of
DEUCE routines developed at N.P.L. Some, but not all, have flow charts and code.
Not all the routines show a DEUCE Library number, so it is not easy to cross
reference them to the "official" list. The file is not complete and the
following routines are missing: #33, #53, #64, #65, #69-#75, #81, #82, #84-#86,
#94, #104.
DEUCE data cards, envelope of cards not dated. Includes:
. Single to Double Field D.L. Conversion (5 cards)
. Single to Double Field Reproduce. (4 cards)
. Initial Card, Clear Drum ZP48M (1 card)
. Set Clock Track ZP36 (1 card)
. Various other unidentified cards (a dozen of so).
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D1)
DEUCE Programme Codes, ca.1961, comprising:
1. General Interpretive Programme (GIP 7), 22 March 1961, 7 pages.
Operating instructions. No code.
2. English Electric Multiple Regression Programme, 3 pages.
Program 2L319. Operating instructions. No code.
3. DEUCE Programme No. NPL128 Curve Fitting, 19 January 1959.
Operating instructions. No code.
4. DEUCE Instruction Code, 9 March 1961, 1 page.
On Web: as .gif file (159kb).
5. Automatic Instruction Modifier, 18 May 1961, 1 page.
On Web: as .gif file (117kb).
6. Filler Instructions for DEUCE, 21 June 1961, 1 page.
On Web: as .gif file (78kb).
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D13)
"A DEUCE Programme to Calculate H.C.F.".
Birchmore, Miss A., Report NS y 104, 16 September 1958, pp14.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D30)
"Guide to a DEUCE Programme for Calculating H.C.F.".
Birchmore, Miss A., Report NS y 105, 16 September 1958, pp10.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D45)
"DEUCE Programming Examples".
Boothroyd J., Report NS u 272, 16 September 1958.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D29)
"Calculate the Cubes of the First n Natural Numbers, n≤44"
David Ozanne.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D27A)
The program code contains deliberate errors. A student exercise in which
the students have to find these errors.
"DEUCE Programming Exercise No. 1"
Original document: Green
A student exercise from 1962, to calculate the cubes of the natural
numbers from n1 to n2. Possibly the same exercise as the Ozanne
document above. Flowchart and code of my personal attempt to program it,
hopefully with fewer errors.
"General Decimal Punch Subroutine"".
Clark B.W., Report W/M(4A).p.11, 31 October 1958.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D32)
"AlphaNumeric Punch Out Subroutine".
Clark B.W., Report W/M(4A).p.12, 11 November 1958.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D33)
XR03/1 Multiple Regression Programme (DEUCE Programme No. 730), pp11
(written in GIP code)
Original document: UTECOM
On Web:
as pdf file contributed by Robin Vowels.
Some brief references to DEUCE statistical programs, including:
. 10.01.002 Periodogram Analysis, 493, Sept 1959
. 10.02.001 Mean and Variance, 321
. 10.07.003 Autocorrelation Program, 382
. 10.07.004 Lagged Correlation Programme, 285.
Original document: London1: Boxfile 38/79(7)
Programming in machine language was complicated and labourious. Various schemes were developed to reduce the effort required to write programs. Some provided help in producing the detailed coding of machine code programs:
"A Detailed Coding Programme for DEUCE",
Tech Note MS37, P.A.Samet, RAE Farnborough, August 1958.
Original document TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
"A Simplified Coding System for Deuce".
Dodd, K. N., Royal Aircraft Establishment.
Tech.Note MS.39, September 1957. NBS# 5701684.
Original document: Babbage: (Box 81,folder 16)
"A system is described which is designed to eliminate the need for detailed coding.
However, when this system is used to its fullest extent, optimum coding is no
longer possible. In the author's view, however, there are a large selection of
problems which are put on DEUCE, for which optimum coding is not essential. All
programs in which input and output consume a large proportion of time, fall into
this class. The simplified system of coding has been in successful operation at
R. A. E. for a period of more than six months. Experience has shown that it is
simple to use and errors are few and easily detected. (Author)"
This document has not been sighted so it's not clear where it fits into this listing.
A scheme that can be used to eliminate the more mechanical steps when writing a program in the basic DEUCE instruction code.
DEUCE News No 38. June 1959; Report K/AA y 1; undated. pp38.
"STAC Programming Manual". A complete programming manual for STAC. STAC is DEUCE Program No.482, ZC19T.
Original documents:
. Leigh
On Web: as pdf file (13.1Mb).
Some flow diagrams for STAC (manuscript form) (about 400 pages) (c.1964)
Original document: UTECOM
DEUCE STAC Programming Manual (38 pages);
Original documents: UTECOM
London1: Boxfile 38/123
STAC III for DEUCE Mark I and II(A) 31 March 1965 (12 pages)
Original document: UTECOM
More generally, the procedure was to replace the computer's own code of instructions with a pseudo-code closer to the user's prefered way of describing the operations the computer should perform. Such schemes were developed in various DEUCE centers and included Alphacode, the Alphacode Tabulator, Easicode, GEORGE, GIP (General Interpretive Programme), TIP (Tabular Interpretive Programme), SODA, STEVE, BEVERLEY, and ALGOL.
Some reports reviewing these schemes include C. Robinson's paper ("DEUCE Interpretive Programs") in the Computer Journal and:
"Automatic Programming on DEUCE" C.Robinson
in Conference on Automatic Programming of Digital Computers, 1-3 April 1959.
Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
"Further DEUCE Interpretive Programmes and Some Translating Programmes" S.J.M.Denison
in Conference on Automatic Programming of Digital Computers, 1-3 April 1959.
Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Documentation about Alphacode was issued in two special copies of DEUCE News: numbers #20 and #49.
DEUCE Programme News No 20, January 1958; Report NS y 87; Date 29.1.58. pp49.
"DEUCE Alphacode" by S.J.M Denison, E.N.Hawkins and C.Robinson.
Original documents:
. Manchester (EEC/D24);
. London1: Box file 38/79(13);
. Green;
. Leigh.
It seems likely that this manual was also released as Report DPCS1
DEUCE Alphacode Manual. Report DPCS1, undated.
Original document: Leigh.
Errata - DEUCE Programme News No 20; Report NS y 93; Date 11.2.58. pp2.
"DEUCE Alphacode".
Original documents:
. London1: Box file 38/79(15)
. Leigh.
Supplement to DEUCE Programme News No 20; Report NS y 114; Date 4.12.58.
"DEUCE Alphacode (Mark 2)". pp12.
Original documents:
. London1: Box file 38/79(14)
. Leigh.
. Manchester (EEC/D34)
DEUCE News No 49. undated.
"DEUCE ALPHACODE Manual (Second Edition)".
Original documents:
. Leigh,
. Green.
Also reproduced by the DEUCE Library Service, Data Processing and Control
Division, The English Electric Company Limited, Kidsgrove, as Report DPCS9.
DEUCE Alphacode Manual (Second edition).
English Electric Co, Data Processing and Control Systems Division, 1960
Original document: Belfast
This is probably Report DPCS9.
DEUCE Alphacode Manual.
Original documents (two copies): Manchester (EEC/D14)
"ALFASYSTEMET Et Lettkodingssystem for DEUCE"
(The Alphacode System, an Easy Coding System for DEUCE).
Report Nr. 16, Statistisk Sentralbyrå, Oslo, 15 January 1959. In Norwegian.
Original document: Green
Report DPCS(T)11, undated.
Original document: Leigh.
Alphacode Notes (15pp)
Roneod programming manual produced by the UTECOM Laboratory, (probably c. 1958)
Original document: UTECOM
"Alphacode Programme - Bivariate Rational Root Finding"
Hand-written code by John Denison, 23 August 1966.
(based on the paper "The use of rational functions in the iterative solution of
equations on a digital computer"
by P.Jarratt and D.Nudds, Computer Journal, Vol 8, No 1, April 1965 free pdf download).
On Web: as pdf file.
DEUCE News No 68. October 1961; Report K/AA y 40; undated. "Easicode".
Original documents:
. Leigh,
. Green, a copy of which is on the Web
as a pdf
"Preliminary Report on EASICODE",
Report W/AT 216, Kelly M.J. and B.Randell, 19 September 1958.
Original documents:
. Manchester (EEC/D31)
. Randell
On Web: as pdf file.
GEORGE was a high-level programming language invented by Charles Hamblin
in 1957 in the New South Wales University of Technology in Australia.
(This is the historic translator for Charles Hamblin's zero-address
language for a stack-based machine, on which the English Electric
KDF9 machine was based: Robin Vowels)
Hamblin produced four versions of the translator, comprising two compilers and two interpreters. Each version accepted the same program; the versions differed in the number of symbols that could be used in the program. The interpreters were used for program testing; the program could be run one instruction at a time, and the values in the nesting store could be inspected in DL 10, mcs 1-12.
Version 1A: Compiler accepting 512 symbols;
Version 1B: Compiler accepting 1024 symbols;
Version 2A: Interpreter accepting 512 symbols;
Version 2B: Interpreter accepting 1024 symbols.
The flowcharts and coding sheets displayed here (the only extant copy) correspond to the penultimate version of GEORGE IA. This version accepted the G-codes as 8-bit numbers, punched one, two, three, or four per row of an 80-column card. Rows could be entirely blank, for convenience.
The final form of all GEORGE versions accepted the G-program cards in decimal. Values 1 to 9 were punched as 1 to 9, and values 10 to 15 were punched as X-row over 1 to 5 respectively, i.e., the letters A to E respectively.
John Webster produced a double-preCision version of GEORGE, and modified another version to type out on the on-line Siemens M100 teleprinter the entire program in English, along with an indication of where the program halted after detection of an error. (Robin Vowels)
Programming manual for GEORGE (original manuscript probably mid 1958), pp 23.
Original document: UTECOM
On Web: as pdf file scans supplied by Robin Vowels.
Flow diagrams for GEORGE (probably mid 1958), pp 52.
Original document: UTECOM
On Web: as pdf file scans supplied by Robin Vowels.
Program code for GEORGE (probably mid 1958), pp 22.
Original document: UTECOM
On Web: as pdf file
scans supplied by Robin Vowels.
GEORGE and Alphacode Exercises Set II, 2 pages.
Roneod programming manual produced by the UTECOM Laboratory, (probably c. 1958)
Original document: UTECOM
GIP was an interpretive scheme for matrix operations. It originated in the National Physical Laboratory as a Pilot ACE program, developed by Mike Woodger and Brian Munday. Documentation about GIP was issued in two special copies of DEUCE News: numbers #10 and #63.
Note that ZC14 (Brick Assembly) and ZC14T/1 (64-column Brick Assembly) were interpretive programs intended for use instead of GIP in circumstances where interpretive time formed a significant part of the total operating time, e.g. in matrix programs operating many times on small matrices.
DEUCE Programme News No 10. October 1956; Report NS y 42; Date 19.11.56. pp86.
"Interpretive & Brick Schemes with special reference to matrix operations"
Original documents:
. London1: Box file 38/79(10);
. Leigh
Superseded by DEUCE News #63, which brings up to date the information on
standard bricks and the interpretive programs published here.
Supplement to DEUCE Programme News No 10; Report NS y 60; Date 24.6.57; pp14.
"Interpretive & Brick Schemes with special reference to matrix operations"
Original documents:
. London1: Box file 38/79(11);
. Leigh
Superseded by DEUCE News #63, which brings up to date the information on
standard bricks and the interpretive programs published here.
DEUCE News No 63. Report K/AA y 32; undated.
"DEUCE General Interpretive Programme (Second Edition)".
Original documents:
. Leigh,
. Green,
. TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
This issue brings up to date the information on standard bricks and the
interpretive programs that was published in DEUCE News 10 and its supplement,
and supercedes those publications. The manual is in two parts. Part 1 is a
simple introduction to matrix algebra and the interpretive program. Part 2 is
intended mainly as a reference document. The manual is current with GIP8.
"General Interpretive Programme 5", B.W.Munday, pp2. 19 July 1957.
On Web: as pdf file.
"Notes on GIP 5",
Report NS u 261, Landin P.J., 18 February 1958.
Original documents:
. Manchester (EEC/D27)
. TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
"General Interpretive Programme", pp24.
Report DPCS(T)10, undated but concurrent with DEUCE News 10.
Original documents:
. Leigh,(two copies)
. Green.
This is substantially the same as Part 1 of DEUCE News #63.
GIP Examples, 2 pages.
Roneod programming manual produced by the UTECOM Laboratory, (probably c. 1958)
Original document: UTECOM
The UTECOM General Interpretive Programming Scheme (12pp)
Roneod programming manual produced by the UTECOM Laboratory, (probably c. 1958)
Original document: UTECOM
Matrix Manipulation on the DEUCE (6 pp) 6 July 1960
(An address to the First National Conference of AFCAL at Grenoble, September 1960)
Original document: Turing
On Web: as six *.gif files.
"DEUCE Schemes A and B". RAE. 20 pages. 30 January 1956.
Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
N.S.W. Scheme B Programs (about 10 pages)
Original document: UTECOM
LR23BM General Decimal (Matrix) Read to Drum. A standard brick for Scheme B.
(DEUCE Programme No. 738) (18 pages)
Original document: UTECOM
On Web: as pdf file scans supplied by Robin Vowels.
"Solution of Finite-Difference Equations by Summary Representation",
Report W/M(4B).p.1023, Tee G. J., 7 January 1965.
Original document: Barrett
On Web: as pdf file (426KB),
Four pages of GIP8 code.
Members of the DEUCE community were sometimes moved to simplify or improve the software developed by English Electric. One such example is WIP, a high speed brick assembly program developed by John Webster in the University of New South Wales in Sydney. It was effectively a mini-GIP. It was as fast as ZC14T/1 (with one exception). The advantage was that WIP was complete, whereas ZC14T/1 required a control routine to be written. Sadly not all the cards for this program can be found. [courtesy Robin Vowels]
A translation program (compiler), the Symbolic Optimum Deuce Assembly Program. The program was developed on UTECOM, the DEUCE computer at the New South Wales University of Technology, Kensington, in Australia (now the University of New South Wales).
R. C. Brigham, C. G. Bell "A Translation Routine for the DEUCE Computer"
in The Computer Journal, Volume 2, Issue 2, 1 January 1959, Pages 76-84
"SODA Manual of Operation",
Undated (1958?) report by C.G. Bell and R.C. Brigham of the
Department of Engineering, N.S.W University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
Original document: UTECOM
On Web:
as pdf file contributed by Robin Vowels.
"Appended Modifications of SODA",
Undated report (by C.G. Bell and R.C. Brigham?) of the
Department of Engineering, N.S.W University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
Original document: UTECOM
"Improvements that have been made in SODA since the publication of the
Instruction Manual"
On Web:
as pdf file contributed by Robin Vowels.
Report W/AT 255, Broyden C.G., 15 December 1958.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D35)
Description of the special purpose interpretive program for calculations
involving the themophysical properties of steam and water.
Programming notes on "STEVE" and "BEVERLEY"", ca.1958.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D39)
The flowchart and code for a program to calculate the viscosity of steam, but
the code "brings down" (unknown) code from the drum, so not a complete program
in its own right.
"Further Notes on 'STEVE' and 'BEVERLEY'",
Report W/AT 255 - Second Amendment, Broyden C.G., 17 November 1959.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D37)
The appendix contains the STEVE and BEVERLEY codewords (commands).
TIP was developed by the Mathematical Services Group of Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd in 1957 (then Bristol Aero Engines Ltd). It appears to be an early form of Visicalc or Lotus 123, ie. a spreadsheet. Documentation about TIP was issued in two special copies of DEUCE News: numbers #19 and #65.
DEUCE Programme News No 19. January 1958; Report NS y 86; Date 17.1.58. pp17.
"Tabular Interpretive Scheme (Version I)"
Original documents:
. London1: Box file 38/79(12);
. Leigh.
On Web: as pdf file (1.9Mb).
Tabular Interpretive Scheme (Version 1). DEUCE Programme No 19012
Bristol Aero-Engines Limited. T.M.56, pp21, undated.
Original document: London1: Boxfile 38/79(8)
No code or flow charts.
Tabular Interpretive Scheme (Version 1). (Extract from DEUCE News #19)
RAE Farnborough, Computing Note Series B No 219. pp4, March 1958.
. Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
DEUCE Tabular Interpretive Programme II (BAE No. 19013)
Bristol Aero-Engines Limited. T.M.56/2, pp15, undated.
Original document: London1: Boxfile 38/79(9)
No code or flow charts.
Computer programming notes and printout, Atomic Power Division, EE Co Ltd.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D43)
Code, flowchart and drum dump for brick 34 of Bristol TIP II. The brick
calculates Bessel Functions.
Computer printout, Bristol Mk.II drum filling.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D42)
This is a complete dump of the drum, with a few directions about what
goes where. Guessing - this is TIP2?
Computer printout, programming notes, including "TIP Mark 2 Order Code",
typescript, Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, EE Co Ltd.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D44)
A lot of blank Whetstone coding sheets and some TIP stuff.
DEUCE News No 65. September 1961; Report K/AA y 34; undated.
"T.I.P. 3".
Original document: Leigh.
On Web: as pdf file (2.0Mb).
The User's Manual and Operating Instructions for T.I.P. 3.
DEUCE Programming notes, including
"DEUCE Programme No.19012: Tabular Interpretive Scheme" (pp21) no date.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D40).
ALGOL was an internationally defined programming language and efforts were made to implement it on DEUCE. One attempt was made jointly by staff from EE Whetstone and Liverpool University (see below) and another (by B Randell and L.J.Russell) was reported in Report W/AT 844, 12 February 1962, which we do not have.
"User's Manual for the DEUCE ALGOL Compiler",
Report W/AT1153, M.A.Batty, Atomic Power Division, Whetstone, 8 July 1963.
Original document TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Numerical analysis was not new, but existing procedures were designed for use by people using mechanical calculators. With the advent of computers new, suitable, optimised procedures were needed. The scientific journals of the day were awash with research papers and a number of internal documents distilled and adapted this research for use in DEUCE programs.
"Numerical Differentiation", pp7.
Report NSv215 by H.F.Sandham, Nelson Research Laboratories, 27 February 1962.
On Web: as pdf file.
"Numerical Integration", pp5.
Report NSv217 by H.F.Sandham, Nelson Research Laboratories, 5 March 1962.
On Web: as pdf file.
"Computing by Continued Fractions", pp22.
Report NSv224 by H.F.Sandham, Nelson Research Laboratories, 30 July 1962.
On Web: as pdf file.
"Uses of Chebyshev Polynmials",
Notes by G.J.Tee of lectures by C.Lanczos 20 November 1962.
On Web: as pdf file.
"A Method for the Solution of Non-linear Simultaneous Equations",
Report by D.Bolton, Nelson Research Laboratories, not dated.
On Web: as pdf file.
"Decimal-to-Binary and Binary-to-Decimal Conversions".
Report NS y 62, Denison S.J.M., 27 June 1957.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D15)
"Notes on Binary Decimal and Decimal Binary Conversion (using Brunsviga)",
Report NS u 242, Robinson C., 9 September 1957.
Original document: Manchester (EEC/D16)
On Web: in Web page.
EE DEUCE Circuit Manual (preliminary Issue)
Part VIII: input card reader and output card punch
Report NJ3 y 15, A.C.D. Haley, 22 October 1956.
Original document: London1: Boxfile 38/27(15)
English Electric DEUCE Preliminary Instruction Manual for DEUCE Mk II
Input/Output System Volumes 1 and 2
- General Description and Logical Design
(misleadingly included in an official EE binder labelled "Operating and
Maintenance Instruction Manual"), undated.
Original document: London1: Boxfile 38/121
Line Printer for D.E.U.C.E: General Description and Circuit Operation.
Technical Handbook No. SPD.TH/087/1. 27 February 1962
ICT Ltd, Special Projects Dept., T. Cheshire.
Original document: London1: Boxfile 38/27(12)
An Improved Paper Tape Output System for the Computer DEUCE, pp8.
Sanderson K. and Piggott I.B., 1964
Royal Aircraft Establishment. Technical Note. no. Maths 116.
Original document: London3: B.S.73/81(5.)
"Punched Paper Tape for DEUCE", 22 January 1958.
some notes by D. O. Clayden. 1 page.
Original document: London2: Folder N24.
"602a Calculating Punch",
Note by Hollerith Section, N.P.L. 2 March 1953.
On Web: as jpg.
"Magnetic Tape Storage System for DEUCE (Provisional Specification)".
Report NJ3 y 12, 3 July 1956, by A.C.D. Haley and A.W. Nicholson. pp7 plus
one drawing (18s 13467).
Original document: London2: Folder N24.
Provisional Operation Data for a Magnetic Tape Facility to be fitted to DEUCE
National Physical Laboratory. (pp6 including diagrams) 25 September 1956,
Original documents:
. London2: Folder N15/68.
(with one page of amendments).
. London2: Folder N24.
. Turing
On Web: as six *.gif files
English Electric DEUCE Logic Diagrams and Circuit diagrams for Magnetic Tape,
some 3 x A4 in size (12pp)
Original document: UTECOM
"Guide to the Use of Magnetic Tape Equipment on the NPL DEUCE".
(8 pp including diagrams) June 1959
Original documents:
. London2: Folder N15/68.
. London2: Folder N24.
. Turing
On Web: as nine *.gif files.
DEUCE Routines 6 Oct 1953, pp6.
A meeting to discuss standards and priorities for the provision of routines
ready for the introduction of the new DEUCE computer.
Original document: Turing
On Web: as six *.gif files.
DEUCE Subroutines
Minutes of a meeting on 19 October 1953 to discuss subroutines.
T. Vickers, 28 October 1953
Original document: London2: Folder N15/68.
With attachments:
. by T. Vickers: DEUCE subroutines, 14 September 1953, pp5.
. by J. H. Wilkinson: Linear Algebra, 28 October 1953.
DEUCE Engineers Meeting, R.A.E Farnborough, 12 June 1957, 5pp.
Original documents:
. Turing
. London2: Folder N24.
On Web: as five *.gif files.
DEUCE Engineers Meeting, Bristol Aircraft Co., 26 September 1957, pp3.
Original document:
. Turing
. London2: Folder N24.
On Web: as three *.gif files.
"INNFØRING I DEUCE" (Introduction to DEUCE).
Report Nr. 14, Statistisk Sentralbyrå, Oslo, 18 March 1958. In Norwegian.
Original document: Green
English Electric General Description of "DEUCE" Digital Electronic Universal
Computing Engine (Aug. 1958) (17pp)
Original document: UTECOM
"DEUCE Forecasts the Election Results"
pp18-20 in "English Electric and Its People", Vol. 14, November 1959.
Original document: London1: Boxfile 38/27(13)
"Drystone DEUCE Times". 16 pages. December 1961.
. Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Spoof report
"Drystone Datacessing Times". 20 pages. December 1962.
. Original document: TNMoC.
On Web: as pdf file contributed by TNMoC.
Another spoof report
TNSW02 A test program used by the UTECOM maintenance engineers.
Original document: UTECOM
On Web:
as pdf file, scans supplied by Robin Vowels.
UTECOM Laboratory Safety Precautions (pp4)
Original document: UTECOM
S. H. Hollingdale, "High Speed Computing - Methods and Applications", publ. English Universities Press, 1959. Includes chapters on EDSAC (chapter 5) and DEUCE (chapter 6).
R.A. Vowels, UTECOM -- An English Electric DEUCE (1993) (pp33 including 4
(Noted at
Robin Vowels' site).
B. Jack Copeland, "Alan Turing's Automatic Computing Engine. The Master
Codebreaker's Struggle to build the Modern Computer" publ. Oxford University
Press, 14 April 2005. ISBN-10: 0-19-856593-3, ISBN-13: 978-0-19-856593-2
Contents mainly concern the Pilot ACE but there are sections on:
* Robin A. Vowels: The DEUCE-a User's View
* Tom Vickers: Applications of the Pilot ACE and the DEUCE
* Harry D. Huskey: The ACE Test Assembly, the Pilot ACE, the Big ACE, and
the Bendix G15.
Charles Babbage Institute International Computing Collection, 1939 - 1990, CBI 62
# English Electric * A.C.E. (Box 2) * Deuce (Box 2)
University of Auckland, Historical Computer Book Collection,
Center for the History of Information Technology, Charles Babbage Institute,
University of Minnesota, here.
John Barrett, personal papers.
See 'Navigating the Manuals' here.
Queen's University, Belfast.
David Green, personal papers.
David Leigh, personal papers.
Material held at Blythe House, West Kensington, by the London Science Museum, including:
. 38/27 A boxfile of English Electric papers,
. 38/79 A boxfile of papers relating to Other British Computers,
. and various individual 38/xx items,
as listed in an index of part of the archive of ICL material held by the Museum.
More about the Science Museum Archives can be found at their official site.
Material held by the London Science Museum in the Imperial College Library, including:
. M6/108 A folder containing DEUCE subroutines and programs written at the
National Physical Laboratory.
. M7/107 A folder of issued DEUCE subroutines written at the National
Physical Laboratory.
. N15/68 Miscellaneous DEUCE documents.
. N24 Miscellaneous DEUCE documents.
. N27 "Miscellaneous 1950 - 1965". Mainly Pilot Ace material.
More about the Science Museum Archives can be found at their official site.
The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB
The John Rylands Library
at the University of Manchester has DEUCE documents in two holdings:
material containing 45 folders (D1-D45), and
a couple of items.
Brian Randell, personal papers.
The University of Sydney Library, NSW 2006, Australia.
The Turing Archive for the History of Computing at
The National Museum of Computing, located on Bletchley Park.
Web Site.
A Deuce was sent to Australia and renamed UTECOM.
In his UTECOM web site, Robin Vowels mentions that various documents still exist.