In this website presentation of the Deuce manuals I have tried to recreate the font style, layout and page numbering of the original documents in order to retain the "feel" of the printed paper manual.
The background used for the English Electric manuals is a scan of the watermarked paper used in the original manuals.

To effect this "feel", navigation of the Logical Design and Programming manuals pages, does not follow the normal html pattern.

Within the manuals, links are not underlined but any item which has a link will turn magenta when the mouse hovers over the text.

Clicking INDEX or CONTENTS on the opening page will return you to the DEUCE HOME PAGE.

Clicking any of the CHAPTER / PART references in the index will go to the first page of that chapter / part.

Clicking any PAGE number advances to the next page.

Clicking the text "NS-y-16/5-56" or "Technical Note No. M.S.38" on any page will jump back to the Index/Contents page.

Clicking any FIGURE reference will display the drawing from Logical Design Manual Part II.

Note. In the original paper manuals, example program flow arrows were hand drawn. I have tried to emulate these flow arrows using various symbols available in the ISO Latin-1 character set. The result is far from satisfactory but I feel is better than nothing.

The Programming manuals are best viewed with 800 X 600 screen size using the current versions of Opera, Netscape or Mozilla Firefox which correctly interpret style sheet code. In both programming manuals subscript and superscript characters are the same font size as all other body text. When all characters are the same size the program flow arrows will be in their correct position. Internet Explorer 6 and 7 do not fully support CSS sup and sub code and the flow arrows may not correctly align.

John Barrett - June 2010

English Electric Deuce Logical Design Manual Complete HTML format - Text 276KB - Figures 50 -100KB each.

English Electric Deuce Programming Manual Complete HTML format - 153KB

R.A.E. Deuce Programming Handbook Pages 1 - 59 only HTML format

R.A.E. Deuce Programming Handbook Complete manual in PDF format. 12.7MB (Thanks to David Green)